People Are Always Trying to Stop Hair Loss… Geez!

Lots of people are under the impression that the idiot who coined the phrase ‘bald is beautiful’ had a couple of screws loose, in addition to a full head of virile hair. Some people accept that hair loss may be a genetic thing that occurs naturally, but most people are trying to stop hair loss from happening or prevent it from happening. It is a known fact that it is a multi-million market that caters to the crowd who tries to stop hair loss.

About 10 per cent of the hair on a normal, genetically balanced person (somewhere in between neanderthal and nerd) sheds every two to three months. The rest of the hair grows about  a half inch every month. When the old hair sheds, it leaves room for new hair to grow through existing follicles. One of the ways to stop hair loss is to eliminate the underlying cause. The underlying cause can be anything from the stress of major surgery, medications or hormonal imbalances caused by aging.

It’s always good to have supporting and understanding friends when you’re suffering from hair loss..

Fungal diseases affecting the scalp can cause hair loss and the way to stop hair loss is by using strong, harsh, antifungal medications. In addition, such diseases as diabetes and lupus have been known to cause hair to fall out. Having a doctor trying to diagnose the underlying cause can help uncovering certain ailments as well as helping to stop hair loss.

It’s Simply Impossible to Stop Some Hair Loss

When the genetics cause it, your gene pool dictate wheter or not you will be able to stop hair loss. In the case of common baldness (more complicated referred to as male pattern baldness), the hair stops growing on the top of the head, and the receding hairline indicates the beginning of a male pattern baldness case. The earlier a persons starts losing hair, usually the more hair they will lose as they get older.

When it is not common in the family to experience male pattern baldness, a visit to the doctor is recommended for tips on what to do next to stop hair loss. If it is determined that medications is to blame, using other drugs may stop hair loss. If the underlying case is a sickness or ailment, a cure is necessary for the ailment. Improper hair treatment could also be the case of hair loss and the doctor could possible be able to tell by looking at your scalp.

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